Thursday, October 25, 2018


“Making America Great,” Kills

Several explosive devices have been sent to some high profile Democrats, among them former president Obama and the resentful hag, crooked Hillary Clinton.

This is the time where everyone puts on their public outrage costume (just in time for Halloween!). The Democrats (the “targets” for the most part, if one includes George Soros as a Democrat) can now use a legitimate cause of victimhood to talk more about their...victimhood.

I’m not going to make light of what is obviously a very serious circumstance. No one should be happy about any aggressive or violent action against any side of the spectrum. But....I’m not going to hang my head in mock shame for despising the same people that some violent nut case hates. George Soros is still an evil manipulative control freak and enemy of “open society” (ironically). The fact that he was targeted by a deranged Unibomber copy-cat doesn’t magically make his views and actions noble. Non-the-less, for weeks now we will be hearing, non-stop about the horrors of conservative philosophy with the obligatory fake news parade attacking President Trump for “creating a climate of”...whatever.

Certainly someone has noticed the timing of this and the “caravan” of “immigrants” headed toward the American border. More than a few pundits will weave their prose now to the effect that, because explosives were sent to Democrats, we should let 14,000 (the current estimate) unvetted random poor people into the U.S. and sympathetically vote for Democrats in the coming election.

The civil war continues and its pace and intensity builds. Republicans being shot at on a baseball field caught the news cycle for a few days — often being spun as the fault of the actual victims. Current events are certainly more noteworthy but will spawn an entirely different narrative. Every time Republicans seek a tax cut or the deregulation of a worthless parasitic bureau, we will be reminded that such actions are out of the question because...the other side of the issues are victims that once had explosives sent to them. The Democomms couldn’t have received a better news-cycle gift.

Meanwhile Donald Trump, pushing back and responding to dishonest media and promoting and defending the conservative position on the issues of the day, will face an even more strident crusade to destroy him, this time trying to justify it based on the actions of a single villain.

Democrats can now go back to squelching free speech, harassing people in restaurants, beating up people who have the nerve to wear hats proclaiming their desire to make America great again, and general screaming, destroying, and lashing out every time they don’t get their way.

Republicans and the current president will have to continue being forced to justify their politically controversial stance of merely wanting to be left alone.

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